Saint-Cirq-Lapopie (Lot) Pont Valentré - Cahors (Lot) Figeac (Lot) Villefranche-de-Rouergue (Aveyron) Najac (Aveyron) Rocamadour (Lot) Carjac (Lot) Truffle market - Lalbenque (Lot) Ganil towpath - Bouziès (Lot) Walking on the 'Chemin des Brigands' trail - Saint-Cirq-Lapopie (Lot) Swinmming in the river Lot - Saint-Cirq-Lapopie (Lot) Canoeing on the Lot - Lacave (Lot) Célé Valley (Lot) Célé Valley (Lot) Saffron Festival - Cajarc (Lot) Pech Merle Cave - Cabrerets (Lot)

Around Saint Cirq-Lapopie

Ideas for excursions and sightseeing
