La collection "Grands Sites Midi-Pyrénées" a été mise en place en 2007 par l'ancienne région Midi-Pyrénées. Aujourd'hui, elle permet toujours d’identifier les sites touristiques qui présentent un intérêt incontournable et facilite ainsi la découverte de la région. Dans les années à venir la démarche des grands sites sera progressivement étendue à l'ensemble de la région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée.
Toulouse (Haute Garonne) Cathedral of Sainte Cécile - Albi (Tarn) Cathedral of Sainte Marie - Auch (Gers) Figeac (Lot)
  • AveyronRodez
    RodezRodezPowerful with its striking cathedral emerging from the depths of the centuries; powerful with the stunning work of artist Pierre Soulages; and powerful with its humbling collection of statue-menhirs...
  • Tarn et GaronneMontauban
    MontaubanMontaubanWarmly welcoming in all its red-brick finery, Montauban is a city of superlatives. A Great Tourist Site in Midi-Pyrénées and Ville d’Art et d’Histoire, Montauban is considered to be the oldest...
  • GersAuch
    AuchAuchAn hour’s drive west of Toulouse, the outline of Auch makes a proud statement. You have arrived in Gers, in the heart of Gascony. This legendary land, home of D'Artagnan, will be your companion as...
  • LotFigeac
    FigeacFigeacBetween green tourism and cultural tourism, Figeac is a choice vacation destination. An hour from Cahors, in the Lot, the town cultivates an exceptional patrimony and honours the memory of the...
  • LotCahors
    CahorsCahorsSet in the majestic Lot valley, Cahors, City of art and history, is made to be explored. From the Valentré Bridge to the Saint-Etienne cathedral, via the market place and the boulevard terraces, the...
  • Hautes-PyrénéesLourdes
    LourdesLourdesLourdes is a little mountain town of true greatness. To come here is to escape the everyday, to journey into the act of journeying; it's a destination one remembers for a long time afterwards.
  • TarnAlbi
    AlbiAlbiColourful and exuberant Albi is a busy commercial centre that has a marvellous quality of life with an almost Italian feel. Listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in July 2010, the Cité Épiscopale...
  • Haute GaronneToulouse
    ToulouseToulouseThere are some cities you just can't help falling in love with. Toulouse is one of them. The 'Ville Rose' in the département of Haute Garonne draws you in, wins you over and keeps you for ever....